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The Difference Between Ground School And Flight School

As an aspiring pilot, it is essential  that you receive holistic training. This includes ground schooling and flight training at your chosen pilot school. After all, your training can make or break your career. Additionally, the type of pilot you become highly depends on the kind of training you receive. 

The best pilot training schools in India will help you gain aeronautical knowledge, master flight maneuvers and acquire habits that will stick with you throughout your aviation career. 

However, we often confuse pilot training as being equivalent to learning to fly airplanes alone. In reality, this is far from reality. Ground training is an equally important aspect of becoming a competent pilot.

Ground training is a part of the theoretical aspect of your pilot training. On the other hand, flight training is about receiving practical experience to learn how to fly an aircraft.

To help you understand better, let’s dig into the key differences between ground and flight school.

Ground and flight school are like the two parts of your pilot training scale that balance each other. This means that one cannot do without the other. 

What is the prime difference between ground and flight school education? 

In ground school, you learn the theory behind how airplanes fly, different weather conditions that you may experience as a pilot amongst other facets. The main aim of attending ground school is to qualify for the knowledge test. On the other hand, flight training is where you take the practical lessons to become proficient in operating an aircraft which will help you pass the practical test. 

You will learn ways to  manoeuvre, varied flight procedures, take off patterns, how to communicate with air traffic control and recover from stalls, in your flight training classes. You will also start using a flight simulator to get comfortable with the feel of handling an aeroplane, with your instructor sitting right next to you.

Do the two types of education have an impact on getting a licence? 

With the exception of a student pilot license, earning any other plot license requires passing both theoretical and practical tests.

Before you fly an actual aeroplane plane on your own for the first time, you must pass a pre-solo knowledge test. It will cover airspace rules and procedures for the airport where you’ll perform your first solo flight. The test verifies your knowledge of the aircraft you’ll be flying. Aside from this, the ground school will also cover many other ground training areas.

Similarly, if you want to get your private pilot license, you’ll need to pass a computerized aeronautical knowledge test alongside having flight training. This again will require you to have private pilot ground training. The test covers subjects like aviation regulations, navigation, radio communication procedures, and aerodynamics.

What are the other aspects that a potential flight training candidate must know? 

In addition to what you learned during your private pilot ground training, you need to possess knowledge in advanced areas, including advanced performance charts, emergency operations, high altitude flying and commercial operations requirements, to receive your commercial pilot license.

Since both types of training go hand in hand, some of the best flight training schools in India offer both types of training in one place. In such cases, you can rightly say that ground school education is a part of a flight school.

However, there are several ways to obtain ground training. Attending ground school as part of its flight school isn’t the only way. Moreover, not all pilot schools provide you with both the training types at the same place.


Becoming a pilot requires both knowledge and practical skill sets. You can obtain the two through  quality training and learning of both types of education. We hope this article could give you an insight into the key differences between ground school and flight school and the importance of having both training types. It is always recommended to complete both the training types in the same flight school. You can always check for Aviators of Tomorrow, one of the best pilot training schools in India, to provide you with a holistic training.



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