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Types Of Careers In Aviation

The captain of a commercial airplane is allowed to arrest people, write fines, and even take the will of a dying person! Fascinating, isn’t it? 

As the aviation industry grows day by day, one can find countless openings across several sub-dimensions of the aviation sector and enjoy a broad range of perquisites. It does not matter whether you are looking forward to becoming a cabin crew member or a commercial pilot; a career in the aviation sector can benefit you financially and personally.

Leading Aviation Careers

Now that you have decided to be a part of the aviation industry, you must conduct in-depth research to know the various career choices in this field. 

We have made this task easier for you by listing out the best career alternatives in the field of aviation. 

1.Pilots, Co-Pilots, and Flight Engineers: Mostly, high school graduates aspire to enter the Aviation field as pilots after their final year of schooling, when they are 17-18 years old. In addition to flying an aircraft, ensuring the safety of the passengers and attendants will also be your responsibility. Here’s an essential criterion for becoming a pilot after high school.

  • Completing 18 years of age
  • Having a bachelor’s degree
  • Having an FAA-issued Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate
  • 250 hours of flying experience
  • Passing psychological, physical, and aptitude tests.

2. Air Traffic Controller: As an air traffic controller, your job would be to supervise and guide the movement of planes on the ground and in the air with the help of radars, visual references, and computers; granting landing and takeoff instructions to pilots; and communicating with pilots in the Air Control Room to keep them updated with the conditions of weather, runway closures, and any other serious information.

3. Aeronautical Engineer and Aerospace Engineer: Aeronautical engineers are crucial for designing, analyzing, developing, and manufacturing planes, whereas Aerospace engineers are responsible for designing and developing spacecraft, satellites, missiles, and aircraft. 

4. Aircraft and Avionics Mechanics: As an aircraft mechanic, you’ll play a vital role in the safety of airplane crew and passengers by testing, diagnosing, and repairing electrical and mechanical problems.

5. Aviation Management: As a part of the aviation management, you will be responsible for administering the out of the limelight work of an airport, handling tasks like airport operations, recruitment, managing accounts, public relations, economics, the safety of the airport, airfield, airspace capacity management, and airline scheduling.

6. Transportation Security Screener: This job will require you to work for Transportation Security Administration (TSA), screening travelers, baggage, or cargo to ensure observance with security standards. 

7. Flight Attendants: To become a flight attendant, you need to pass a test to get a license. Also, you need to be excellent at communication, appearance, multi-tasking, and providing emotional support.

8. Aviation Medicine: This is a terrific space for MBBS graduates to commence their professional journey. Aviation Medicine is an area that requires experts who can identify, evaluate and frame safeguard policies related to the physiological and psychological influence of a space environment on an ordinary man.

In addition to being the fastest mode of transportation, the aviation industry is responsible for the immense growth in world commerce, the development of the world’s economies, job creation, and much more. 


We hope that this comprehensive analysis helped you study various facets of establishing a prosperous career in the aviation industry. If you plan to pursue a degree, diploma, or training program in this field, feel free to reach out to aviation experts at ‘Aviators of Tomorrow,’ one of India’s best pilot training schools to provide you with holistic training. 


AOT Crew

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